
Lyme Disease Prevention Tips
Lyme Disease Prevention Tips As cold winter weather slowly slips away and warm spring temperatures arrive, sluggish parasites wake up. This makes April the perfect time for Prevention of Lyme Disease in Dogs Month. Take action to reduce your pet’s likelihood of...

How to Prepare for Your Pet’s Passing
How to Prepare for Your Pet’s Passing Although a pet’s passing is never easy, preparing for the eventuality can help ease your mental and emotional distress. Here are four ways to help prepare for—and grieve—your pet’s eventual passing. #1: Assess your...

Springtime Pet Emergencies and How To Prepare
Springtime Pet Emergencies and How To Prepare As the days brighten and become warmer, pets spend more time outdoors, which increases your pet’s risk for potential hazards. Keep your four-legged friend safe by staying aware of common springtime pet emergencies. ...

Coping With Pet Loss
Coping With Pet Loss Losing a pet can be as difficult as losing a family member or friend. Pets are integral members of the family, with an invaluable place in our lives. When your pet passes, processing your grief can be an extraordinary challenge. Here are...

3 Safe Pet Treats for Valentine’s Day
3 Safe Pet Treats for Valentine’s Day Although you show your furry friend just how much you love them every day, Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to shower them with even more adoration. While your pet cannot have chocolate, there are many other safe...

5 Signs of a Pet Dental Emergency
5 Signs of a Pet Dental Emergency If you’ve ever known the agony of a toothache, you know how critical it was to receive emergency treatment and pain relief. While your furry pal may not complain like people do when they are in pain, they also can suffer from...

Six Simple Ways to Treat Your Pet’s Dry Winter Skin
Six Simple Ways to Treat Your Pet’s Dry Winter Skin As temperatures drop, so do humidity levels in your home and outside. A drop in humidity often leads to dry, itchy skin and can leave your furry pal uncomfortable during winter. Prevent excessive scratching...

The Potential Warnings of a Winter Pet Emergency
The Potential Warnings of a Winter Pet Emergency Summertime has many hazards for pets, but colder weather also brings its own dangers. As the temperature drops, watch out for the following issues that can require emergency care for your furry friend. ...

Behavioral Issues That Can Arise As Your Pet Ages
Behavioral Issues That Can Arise As Your Pet Ages Advancing age seems to bring with it a number of health issues for pets, including behavior problems. As your furry friend grows older, keep an eye out for common behavior issues that may pop up so you can get...

5 Pet Hazards To Be Aware of This Holiday Season
5 Pet Hazards To Be Aware of This Holiday Season As the year draws to a close, holiday celebrations are still in full swing. But the additional activity and stress present the perfect opportunity for your pet to get into trouble, so keep an eye out for the...